interesting reads
10 Questions Not to Ask Adoptive Parents
Open Adoption Broken Heart
They may see the good you do as self serving.
Continue to do good.
They may see your generosity as grandstanding.
Continue to be generous.
They may see your warm and caring nature as a weakness.
Continue to be warm and caring.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God.
It was never between you and them anyway.
This just made my day. It's long, but worth every moment. Especially near the end when his dying concern appears to be the score of the Detroit Red Wings game.
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Pretty decent mix. I'd still listen to it today (if it wasn't a tape and wasn't sitting in a landfill). It's a shame I probably made some weird eclectic mix for her that she had to fast forward through half of it.
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O-kay. I have to stop this list b/c this isn't making me feel any better. I'm actually getting more stressed.
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