Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Aaron's thumb is disgusting. It's red, raw, chapped and has these weird spots on it.

I've just spent an hour scouring the Internet for advice on how to stop his thumbsucking or at least lessen the damage he's doing to his thumb. I've had no luck finding a reasonable suggestion. Hot sauce? Yeah, that will work well. Buying special gloves or magical ointments? Not that gullible. Currently we're putting Aquaphor on it with the hopes that will help protect the thumb & heal some of the chapping. All my searching has done is provide me with horror stories of infections and chewing ridges to the bone.

By the way, to those who fussed at me about his thumbsucking months ago - I stand by our decision to let him suck his thumb. It was about the only thing he had control over back then and it made him happy. He stopped sucking on his thumb during the day as soon as he started crawling and if he wasn't such a heavy sleeper it wouldn't be such a problem at night either. Now is the time for it to stop - if I only knew how.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aaron will survive his thumbsucking. Have you seen any adults with withered thumbs from sucking them? I used to put aloe vera gel around Barbara's lips because she would lick them raw. The aloe vera was healing and its tastes oh so bitter if you get it in your mouth. I don't know if it is unsafe if you insist on sucking on it.

5:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, just tell Conner to help him out with that little problem. Or maybe he already IS. If you don't already know the story, ask for the family history of thumbsucking!

6:58 PM  
Blogger virge said...

Hmmmm.... I might need to check people's thumbs more carefully. I'm not worried about his thumb being permanently withered - rather that it will become infected (which isn't out of the realm of possibility).

I think Conner would definitely help his brother out like Aunt T helped mom!

1:39 PM  

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