Saturday, November 01, 2008

AmTryke - Help grant a wish

I recently learned that Evan, the son of one of my oldest friends in the world, is on a wish list for people hoping to receive a therapeutic tricycle. You can learn more or donate to help Evan at AMBUCS, an organization dedicated to creating mobility and independence for people with disabilities.

Evan, 6 years old
Pomona, NY
AmTryke needed: AM-16, 1400 seatback, foot cups, bench seat, knee separator Evan tries hard to be involved in all activities with kids in his age group. He has been frustrated with his inabilitiy to ride a traditional bike.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

The Brick Testament

"The Brick Testament is the largest, most comprehensive illustrated Bible in the world" and all the illustrations are done with Legos. I love this site!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Celebrity Moms Who Adopted

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Don't Mess With Texas Teachers

A small Texas school district (there are only 110 students in the whole district) will allow teachers & staff to carry concealed firearms on campus.

AP article

The story itself is interesting, but reading the article below gives more food for thought.

Arab News article

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Feist on Sesame Street

I've been watching this on the tv over and over for 2 days. Everytime it ends Conner goes "Again.!" Thank goodness for DVR. He even tries to sing with it and has this cute little dance to go with it.

How great is it, that Sesame Street is still relevant and well loved by little ones?!

Monday, July 14, 2008


Today... I deep cleaned the living room carpet (truthfully, this is one of my favorite things to do), I cleaned the fridge, and finally gave into today's tears as I caught up on Thomas Bickle through his mom's blog.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Shane - I love and miss you

The world has changed in less than 24 hours. Shortly after midnight last night Steven called home to let me know Shane had been stabbed and killed.

Writing those words is horrible.

Shane was so many things but most of all he was a good person. Those who knew Shane, and those who didn't, will say many things about him in the coming days. But what I know will be repeated over and over again was what a good heart he had. And mine hurts thinking about him being gone forever.

In the past 20 hours I've been trying to pull up as many memories as possible so I can solidify them in my mind and keep them safe. Some crazy random ones have come up and they all just remind me why everyone loved him.

I've tried several times now to write some of those memories, but I just can't seem to do it. Instead here are pics that remind me of some great Shane memories.