Tuesday, July 24, 2007

eight years ago

"There is no feeling more comforting than knowing you are right next to the one you love."

Eight years ago today I married my Best Friend.

I am one darn lucky girl!

"Beyond Love" - Gladney Birthmoms on Primetime

Approximately 3 ½ years ago, producers and photographers from ABC’s 20/20 spent a week at Gladney and interviewed birth moms who were planning to place their children for adoption. Last summer, ABC did a follow-up interview with one of the Gladney birth moms. The story of 2 birthmoms, "Beyond Love," is scheduled to air tonight (Tuesday, July 24th) on ABC’s Primetime at 10 pm EST.

Obviously, I haven't seen it yet, but I've set my DVR and have my tissues ready. There are no braver, selfless and loving women on this earth.

Monday, July 23, 2007


If you're lucky, you have at least one person in your life who you've known forever and a day. Someone who is not a family member, but has been in your life almost as long. And if you're really blessed that person has stayed in your life DESPITE life. Somehow they're still around despite petty disagreements over the years, being miles apart and having lives so vastly different you can't begin to imagine what it's like to be the other person. They've known you since you wore blue eyeshadow and had your hair in a poodle perm and they still love you.

I am just that lucky.

Friday, July 20, 2007

harry potter and the deathly hallows

As many in the world, including myself, eagerly await the release of the final Harry Potter book, here's a way to share the excitement with others.

The National Braille Press is a nonprofit braille printer and publisher who believes that blind readers should pay the same as their sighted peers. Printing braille books can cost 3x as much as traditional printing, so much of the NBP operational budget comes from charitable underwriting. The new Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, costs the NBP about $63 a book to publish. For pre-ordered copies they're only charging $18.89 so that the cost is comparable to what sighted readers pay for their copies.

Please consider donating to National Braille Press or to one of the initiatives mentioned here (Yahoo will match donations up to the goal amounts) to help bring Harry Potter and other books to blind readers.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

1800diapers online coupon code

I'm about to be really annoying here so feel free to ignore this if you're not interested or it doesn't apply to you (only those who buy diapers need to read further). I'm big on "bargain" shopping and I couldn't resist sharing this (I actually wrote this, it's not a form message)...

The boys go through a LOT of diapers so I've spent the past few months researching the cheapest way to buy diapers. Other than someone else purchasing the diapers (yeah Grams and Grandpa!), the cheapest diapers I've found are on a website: www.1800diapers.com (I first heard about it from the Baby Bargains book). They have diapers, wipes, formula, etc at low prices. You can get free shipping, use manufacturer's coupons, get 5% credits towards futures purchases & there's no sales tax. I've looked all over the Internet (amazon.com, EBay, etc.) and looked at different stores and on a regular basis I can't find a way to buy Pampers or Huggies diapers any cheaper than through this site (we've tried the other diapers and these are the only ones that I don't have to change every hour).

On top of that, both you and I can get even CHEAPER prices. If you sign up (either through www.1800diapers.com or by calling 1-800-DIAPERS) and give them my Referral Code, you get an extra $5 off your first order and I'll get a $1 credit EVERY time you order. If you choose to use this site you can then share it with others and get the same deal for yourself. If you don't want to use this site but know someone who might be interested I'd love if you gave them my referral code (we seriously go through almost 2 cases of diapers in a week so I can use the credits).

Referral Code: VICR3487

Go to www.1800diapers.com. To get your extra $5 off your first order, make sure you give them my Referral Code in the shopping cart screen when you're placing your first order. And now back to your regularly scheduled program...

Monday, July 16, 2007

i'm setting my dvr now

Sunday, July 15, 2007

dreaming big

We are in love with this kids' chair. While visiting friends this weekend the boys decided that Dylan's Steelers version of this chair is the greatest thing. They fought over it and determined that while 2 boys can squeeze in the chair at one time, 3 can not. One chair is out of our price range, and two is WAY out of our price range, but we can dream can't we?

Friday, July 13, 2007


Very interesting film - Midnight Movies : From Margin to Mainstream. It always amazes me to look back and see how filmakers used to be original...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Across The Universe - Trailer

It's probably a good thing I won't be able to see this in the theater since I'd sing along with the whole film.