Friday, July 20, 2007

harry potter and the deathly hallows

As many in the world, including myself, eagerly await the release of the final Harry Potter book, here's a way to share the excitement with others.

The National Braille Press is a nonprofit braille printer and publisher who believes that blind readers should pay the same as their sighted peers. Printing braille books can cost 3x as much as traditional printing, so much of the NBP operational budget comes from charitable underwriting. The new Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, costs the NBP about $63 a book to publish. For pre-ordered copies they're only charging $18.89 so that the cost is comparable to what sighted readers pay for their copies.

Please consider donating to National Braille Press or to one of the initiatives mentioned here (Yahoo will match donations up to the goal amounts) to help bring Harry Potter and other books to blind readers.


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