Thursday, March 27, 2008

Yo Gabba Gabba! - Pick It Up

For those of you haven't seen "Yo Gabba Gabba!", you are missing out on one of the most fun shows ever. Even if you don't have kids you can't help but dance along to songs like this.

This afternoon the boys and I danced around to this song over and over and over (thank you DVR!) - watching Aaron jumping up and down on the couch was priceless.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

"teachers agree to work for chump change"

With supportive citizens like Gary B. it's no wonder why the schools in the county I live in are hiring security guards to keep away the high quality teachers beating down their doors...

Here are some of this man's genius comments from a recent Board of Supervisors meeting:
  • “These teachers agreed to work for chump change, and if they don’t like it, they can go somewhere else to work, or change their profession, or get a real job, or form a union.”
  • "This board is used to that, throwing money away. You got yourselves a raise, but I don’t think the teachers need one."

He was also kind enough to offer the Board suggestions about how the County can save money. He recommended that students in mechanics classes maintain the buses and keep them operational.

Yes, this man was serious.

He was correct about one thing, everyone I know in the education profession did agree "to work for chump change." None of us were under any delusions that this was going to be a high paying career. However, we did expect our paycheck would be enough to reasonably cover the bills and that we wouldn't be working just to cover our health insurance. I do not work in the county I live in and two of the main reasons for that are that not only would my salary be lower but I would also have to pay for my own health insurance.

It's a shame I wasn't intelligent enough to get a degree where I could have a "real job". Oh wait - I did get that degree. Too bad I felt God calling me away from that path towards a high paying "real job". Instead I chose to listen to His voice and got my teaching license. What's even worse is that I spent even more money following the path towards my Master's degree so I could work at a presumably not real job. (I wonder what "real job" Mr. B. has.)

I wish I was paid more (who doesn't - even movie stars negotiate for more millions) but that's not what upsets me about this man's statements. It's that he clearly looks down upon teachers, doesn't see their value, and actually thinks the Board of Supervisors (and the public) will agree with him.

And about those buses... Raise your hand if you'd like your child to ride on a school bus that's maintenance was performed by someone in a mechanics CLASS.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I'm From The Sun - Gustafer Yellowgold