Wednesday, October 25, 2006

new mom truths

  1. You will find everything changes. No matter what you swore pre-baby - it ALL changes.
  2. You will lose tiny socks in the wash.
  3. You will be able to shower, dry your hair and get dressed in less than 10 minutes.
  4. You will want to apologize to friends who had children before you for never really understanding why they had less time for you.
  5. You will change your mind about parenting beliefs you held pre-baby.
  6. You will want to apologize to friends who had children before you for thinking parenting decisions they made weren't good decisions.
  7. You will fantasize about what you would swap for a good eight hours of uninterrupted sleep.
  8. You will obsess over every ounce your baby gains (perhaps, even buying a baby scale so you can closely monitor weight between doctor's visits).
  9. You will wish you had the time and brain cells to finish just one of the novels (or even magazines) you read pre-baby.
  10. You will want to throw the baby monitor out the window, or at the very least, "accidentally" turn it all the way down.
  11. You will wonder how other new moms manage to be so put-together and energetic.
  12. You will dread encounters with pre-schoolers/small children and their possible germs.
  13. You will forget about they difficult day with your baby when you finally see him sleeping peacefully.
  14. You will forget about the 2 hour crying fest you just survived when your baby smiles and "talks" to you.
  15. You will have some mornings when you bounce out of bed to get your baby...and others where you need a truck to pull you from under the covers.
  16. You will thank God for caffeine (despite having sworn off it for several years).
  17. You will get sick of hearing yourself say, "I didn't get to it yet" and "I started working on ____ but..."
  18. You will wake up in the middle of the night panicked that something has happened to your child.
  19. You will develop an interest in poop and hold conversations about your baby's poop.
  20. You will develop a phobia of tripping with your baby in your arms.
  21. You will feel naked when you walk outside alone.
  22. You will sway back and forth any time you stand in one place, even when there is no baby in your arms.
  23. You will rejoice when your baby's bald spot finally fills in.
  24. You will reach into your purse for your lipgloss and pull out baby links.
  25. You will pack everything your baby could possibly need for a weekend and forget your own glasses and toothbrush.
  26. You will cry at least once a day from either joy or frustration.
  27. You will detest red lights when your baby is in the car.
  28. You will chat intimately with complete strangers just because they have a small child.
  29. You will hear about criminals on the news and wonder what their moms are doing.
  30. You will hear about world tragedies and your heart will break at the thought of mothers who've lost their child.
  31. You will have to stop yourself from narrating during a grocery store outing when you are without your baby.
  32. You will feel sick but muster the strength to get through the day with your child because you have to.
  33. You will be excited when your baby grows out of one size and into the next.
  34. You will be sad to put away the clothes he's grown out of.
  35. You will consider your husband's time at work alone time and be jealous of it.
  36. You will feel sorry for your husband for missing milestones while he's at work.
  37. You will struggle to make conversation with and stay close to some of your childless friends.
  38. You will accept that your husband will never be as paranoid about the baby as you are, and will decide that's a good thing.
  39. You will hear yourself telling brand-new moms things, even though it annoyed you when people told you the same things.
  40. You will marvel at the volumes of unconditional love you have for your child and wonder how anything else ever seemed to have any importance.
  41. You will love your husband even more when you see the look of bliss on his face as he watches your child.

Inspired by (and many borrowed from) an article in babytalk magazine.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


The Today Show is doing a Christmas segment. There are Christmas trees on the television and they're playing Christmas songs.

It doesn't even have the slightly redemptive quality of being a heart-warming story. It purely exemplifies the American spirit of over-indulgence and over-consumption. They're talking to the head of the Neiman-Marcus catalog about this year's ridiculous gifts, such as a doghouse with Italian architecture.

I love Christmas (Eve). It's my favorite time of year and I'm eagerly anticipating this year's Christmas since it will be my sons' First Christmas but it's still two weeks until Halloween!!!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Make yourself smarter and less stressed in just 15 minutes!!!

Here's a government website with a great way to waste some time (and according the website, make yourself smarter and less stressed)...

Sing Along Songs

I can't say I'm any smarter, but how can you be stressed when singing along to the awful versions of...

Suddenly Seymour

Bare Necessities

Up, Down Touch the Ground

or one of my favorite old Girl Scout songs...

Alice the Camel

Monday, October 09, 2006

Moby on Christianity

Thanks to Barbara for sharing this on her blog.

"In my own strange way, I'm a Christian, in that I really love Christ, and I think that the wisdom of Christ is the highest, strongest wisdom I've ever encountered, and I think that his description of the human condition is about the best description or understanding of the human condition I've ever encountered. And although I try and live my life according to the teachings of Christ, a lot of times I fall short. I wouldn't necessarily consider myself a Christian in the conventional sense of the word, where I go to chuch or believe in cultural Christianity, but I really do love Christ and recognize him in whatever capacity as I can understand it as God. One of my problems with the church and conventional Christianity is it seems like their focus doesn't have much to do with the teachings of Christ, but rather with their own social agenda. So that's why I tend to be sort of outspoken about how much I dislike conventional cultural Christianity."

-Moby, from the Animal Rights Interview CD