Sunday, January 20, 2008

this weekend

  • Crossed my fingers for snow to no avail. Snowflakes fell but nothing really stuck. Still no snow for the boys.
  • Conner got his 2nd haircut. He really looks like a little man now. Someone recently asked me if I think that one day Conner will be mad at us b/c Aaron had a "cool haircut" and he didn't.
  • We redid the boys' bedroom AGAIN. (Aaron learned how to get out of his crib last week and Conner learned how to get out of his back in June so for safety reasons the cribs had to go.) Steven converted their cribs into toddler beds, used zip ties to lash down toddler rails (they aren't meant to be used with toddler beds), moved everything out of their front room and into their back room, and put the door back on between the 2 rooms.
  • Spent lots of time watching the boys on the monitor while they played in their room. Nightime sleeping went well with the new setup, naptime was a bust.
  • Saw Cloverfield. LOVED it. Fairly fresh take on the monster movie. Of course the monster attacking NYC thing isn't highly realistic, but the portrayal of how it would play out in our post 9/11 - YouTube society (everyone whip out your cellphones and take pics of the latest horrific event) felt very believable.


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