"natural" moms
I don't have the energy to write a long post about this but I feel compelled to write something. A little bit ago there was a commercial for today's Dr. Phil. It involves the case of a birthmom named Allison Quets who apparently placed her twin babies and then kidnapped them from their adoptive parents. Of course, my heart started racing and I wanted to know more about this case so I did a quick Google search.
I don't want to get into the specifics of the case. If anyone's interested they can do their own search. I will say that, as always seems to be the case with any "adoption gone wrong" story in the media, this was not a good adoption and beyond the children being twins has NOTHING in common with our adoption.
My thoughts right now are not even about this case but about the sites I ended up on while looking for information. It pains me how many people out there hate me just because of how we became parents. Logically, I know there are people who will hate you for something no matter what you do in life. But it still hurts to think about someone not seeing the love in our family (OUR family includes birthmom) and the value in how God brought us together.
I wish these people could sit down with Steven, the boys, birthmom, and I. Heck, we could really throw them for a loop by bringing in the extended families from both our side and birthmom's side (there have never been 2 more spoiled or loved children then my sons). I KNOW there are bad adoptions out there. However, we have an amazing birthmom and I'm proud of our adoption triad.
I have no desire to invest the energy it takes to educate all the hateful, ignorant and hurt people out there. I'd much rather spend that energy surrounding my sons with love and being a good mommy. But sometimes I wish I had the energy to fix the world...
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