Thursday, April 26, 2007

how life changes

Just having one of those moments where I'm awed by how life changes.

Yesterday I was at my college roommate's house for our weekly playdate and that's just weird. When I met Tammy almost 13 years ago I never would've guessed I would marry one of her high school friends. When I went home with her for the first time and we drove through the town I live in now I would've balked if you told me I would call this home.

She & I used to spend hours talking about our friends from home, our friends at Tech and a million other mindless gossipy things. Now we spend hours watching our little ones play together and talking about baby food, baby "tricks" and decorating our new homes.

It awes me to think what little concept we have of our futures (Of course, I know my future involves Tammy & I laughing and reminiscing the night before our children marry each other. I just don't know which of my sons her daughter will choose...)


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