Sunday, March 12, 2006

amen and thank you, ben stein!

(Thanks to Keymaster for posting your thoughts on this. Without your blog I would have missed this.)

Ben Stein's comments are from the December 18, 2005 airing of the CBS Morning Show. I highly suggest reading the entire transcript here.

"I don't like getting pushed around for being a Jew and I don't think Christians like getting pushed around for being Christians. I think people who believe in God are sick and tired of getting pushed around, period. I have no idea where the concept came from that America is an explicitly atheist country. I can't find it in the Constitution and I don't like it being shoved down my throat."

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I respect the variety of personal beliefs that surround me but I get tired of others not having that same respect.

"Or maybe I can put it another way: where did the idea come from that we should worship Nick and Jessica and we aren't allowed to worship God as we understand Him?"

Why is it that our society is so fast to jump on things like "One nation under God" yet seems less concerned about our celebrity obsessed culture. Which one is more likely to harm our children in the long run?

"I guess that's a sign that I'm getting old, too."

Glad to know I'm not the only one whose value system makes them feel old!


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