Tuesday, August 30, 2005

pine trees

I hate pine trees. They are right up there with spam, sales calls at work and people who say mean things about adoption.

Another tree in our yard just fell. Thankfully this one didn't land on anything. At this moment my count says that makes 5 trees in 3 1/2 years (5 1/2 if you count the fact that the previous 2 pine trees to fall also took out 1/2 of one of my beloved dogwood trees). I live in fear of falling pine trees and with the upcoming weather I would be very surprised if we don't lose another tree in the next few days. I'm currently hoping the police officer who lives next door won't leave his police car parked underneath the tree like he usually does.

Have I mentioned that I hate pine trees?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

people say mean things about adoption?

12:23 AM  
Blogger Babs said...

yeah, seriously. i can only imagine the kind of people that say bad things about adoption.
i think i hate them more then the pine trees right now.


9:50 AM  
Blogger virge said...

Although the vast majority of the people we know have been excited and supportive I've already heard many thoughtless statements from friends and acquaintances.

However the worst are the people (I don't know any personally) who are in these anti-adoption groups. They call it unnatural. Google the term "natural mothers" and you'll see what I mean. Whenever I come across this stuff I end up in tears. I've never had people hate me that don't know me.

They are lower than pine trees in my book, too!

5:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow. i'm angry reading these google results for so many reasons. there's a basic ignorance shown just right up front with people who think adoption is icky or whatever, right? but these people take it to this extreme, this level of diabolical deception where they pretend to be concerned with the mother's psychological state, but really, all they're concerned with is making sure that no one does anything that undermines the word "family" as they understand it. i hate this pretend caring stuff.

and, how scary is it that people like that are having kids themselves and passing down that sort of virulence?

11:23 PM  
Blogger virge said...

Kathy, your thoughts are much better articulated than mine. I think I may borrow them some time!

8:04 PM  

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